Test Development Services
Hanchar Consulting Services, LLC (HCS) has the expertise to help you make those tough decisions regarding test development for new certification programs and maintenance of existing certifications. There are several factors that need to be in place before you can be certain that your certification programs are psychometrically sound and legally defensible. HSC's structured “how to” approach will help assure your organization that your certification program(s) meets the highest quality standards.
Research and Development
HCS can help you with your initial research in determining whether or not introducing a new certification is right for your organization. This upfront research is vital and the key to the success of your program.
Exam Development
HCS can provide you with assistance regarding your test development processes. HCS will work with your organization’s psychometricians throughout the Job Task Analyis (JTA) and exam content outline development phases to assure that your organization complies with third party accreditation standards. HSC can also provide help in exam item development/review including item development through AI, conducting item writer/reviewer workshops and training. In addition, HCS can provide you with assistance recruiting item writers and/or reviewers, managing your item banking processes and developing and implementing your exam forms.
Certification Operations
HCS can provide you with assistance in the development and maintenance of your certification registration procedures, application requirements for submission and re-certification processing needs. HCS can also provide you with assistance regarding vendor selection for both test development and exam administration.
Exam Scoring
HCS will work with your organization’s staff, vendors and volunteers regarding exam form validity and standard setting for your exams.
Certification Maintenance
Does your certification program have a re-certification process in place? Do your continuing education requirements make sense? Are you compliant with NCCA and ISO 17024 requirements regarding certification maintenance and re-accreditation? HCS can help meet your needs regarding certification maintenance.